Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sample Blog Post

The following is a sample for one possible way you might format your blog entry. It is
only a suggestion. There is no single correct way to do this. Develop it in a manner that
best helps you learn the content.


Founder: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Goals of therapy: To make the unconscious conscious. To reconstruct the basic personality. To assist clients in reliving earlier experiences and working through repressed conflicts. To achieve intellectual and emotional awareness.

Key Concepts:
* jlklklkjlkjlklkjlklklkjlkjkllkj
* gfhghgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhghgfg
* ewtreytuytiuyiuyiuyiuyiuiiu
* xzcxzcxzcxzcxzcxzcxzcxzc

Techniques: Dream analysis, free association, analysis of resistance....

                      > Techniques are designed to help clients gain access to their
                          unconscious conflicts, which leads to insight and eventual
                          assimilation of new material by the ego.

Suggested Links